I'm working on some projects on Buffalo Mountain for part of my Master Naturalist project. I met with the nature preserve's southwestern region steward to visit some of the areas I will be working on. During our hike, I found some pretty exciting plant finds along the way!
Viola pedata (Bird-foot Violet)
Violaceae - Violet Family
Bird's Foot Violets are a rare find. They also are unusual because they only have chasmogamous flowers which are normal opening flowers. All other violet species have both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers. Cleistogamous flowers are self-pollinated and do not open. Cleistogamous flowers are typically at or below ground level.

These violets were mostly in bud with just one flower beginning to open. Stamen ends (appendages) are brilliant orange.
Polygala paucifolia - Gaywings (Fringed Polygala, Fringed Milkwort)
Polygalaceae - Milkwort Family
An orchid-like flower found in rich, moist woods. Finding this milkwort was a treat for me. I have never seen one in "real life".
Dactylorhiza virids (Green Frog Orchid)
Orchidaceae - Orchid Family
This orchid has previously had several Latin names. Most recently, it was Coeloglossum viride. There are several varieties of this species. I'm not sure yet which on this is until the flower buds open. At which time, I can update this post. :)